There are many features of a home that will be attractive to mice. Wall voids and attic spaces provide warmth and shelter from extreme cold and inclement weather, and the food kept in kitchens and pantries equip them with plenty of sustenance to survive the winter months. But above all, most structures are incredibly easy for a mouse to access, making them an obvious place to harbor. Mice can fit through a space as small as an eraser head. This means every gap, crack, or crevice is a potential entryway, which can make it a serious challenge to keep them out.
Mouse Elimination and Prevention
If you’re worried about preventing a mouse problem, there are several actions you can take to safeguard your property and lessen the prospect of an infestation.
- Call a Professional – Even if you aren’t currently experiencing difficulty with mice, contracting a nuisance wildlife specialist to inspect your home is a valuable preventative measure. He or she will examine the structure thoroughly for areas where mice may be able to enter and seal off those gaps, keeping a situation from developing.
- Sanitation – Mice are scent-oriented animals and have little difficulty locating the nearest source of nourishment. Maintaining a clean living space will decrease their food options and make your home a less interesting prospect. Clean the kitchen, pantry, and dining room floors regularly to eliminate crumbs and spills. This is especially true under large appliances like the refrigerator. Don’t leave dirty dishes around the house or in the sink, and dispose of takeout containers and fast food wrappers. Take the garbage out regularly, and keep your trash and recycling bins covered and sealed.
- Yard Maintenance and Modification – Removing food and shelter sources from your yard can help stop mice from coming into a structure. If you grow fruit or nut trees, be diligent about picking up fallen produce beneath them. If possible, it is best to avoid keeping birdfeeders altogether, but if you must, clean the seeds from the ground under the feeder regularly. Reduce potential harborage places by keeping shrubbery and storage units away from the foundation of the house. Mice usually enter homes through crevices between the siding and foundation of a structure, and shelter points along the edges of the building should be eliminated.
Addressing an Already Existing Mouse Presence
If you feel you may already be dealing with a mouse population in your house, the best measure you can take is to call a licensed mouse elimination company like ABC Wildlife. Our specialists are certified by the state to identify the source of the problem and then construct a treatment program to address it. An ABC Wildlife mouse elimination expert will be able to spot entry points and areas of harborage and determine the most effective locations for the treatment. He or she will also return to your property over the course of several months to monitor the progress of the program and ensure the mice are being eliminated. Keeping mice out of your home may be difficult, but you don’t have to face it alone.
Vito Brancato is a wildlife specialist and educator with over 15 years of animal and pest management experience. He is a certified Wildlife Control Operator through the National Wildlife Control Operators Association and belongs to the National Pest Management Association and the Illinois Pest Control Association. He is an avid beekeeper and nature enthusiast.